10 Reasons to Fertilize Trees

#10.  Many of tree health and vitality problems begin with the half of the tree you don’t see, the roots and soil ecosystem below ground.

#9.   Root zone fertilization is the most proactive, cost-effective tree health maintenance tool in our tool box.


#8.  Healthy trees are less susceptible to damage from disease and insect pests.


#7.  Urban soils are far inferior to forest soils for tree survival. Urban soils are excavation subsoils  

       compacted by heavy machinery with a thin dressing of topsoil to grow turf.


#6.  Turf is strong competition for root space, water, and nutrients.  Our root zone fertilization goes to where

       the tree’s roots are.


#5.  Older, mature trees are more prone to stress from factors such as disease, insects, and human intrusions.

       They require and respond to extra care.


#4.  Continued removal of leaves and litter removes organic material from the soil.  Our custom fertilizer

       mix contains valuable liquid organics, as well as traditional mineral nutrients.


#3.  Healthy trees live longer.


#2.  Trees do not have immune systems.  Once they are diseased or severely stressed, it is usually not

       possible to restore tree vitality by fertilizing.


#1.  Because you love and value your trees! 


Emerging Oak Disease in Minnesota; Bur Oak Blight


Shrub Spotlight for May