Top 5 Large Shrubs for Minnesota
#1 Dogwood (Cornus)
Larger shrub growing 8-10 feet tall and wide
Generally grown for their red or yellow stems
White flowers in spring
Bluish berries in summer
Orange / red fall color
Varieties include Red Twigged, Cardinal and Gray
#2 Common Lilac (Syringia)
Large shrub growing 10-15 feet tall / 10 feet wide
Purple or white flowers in spring
Great shrub for natural hedges and privacy.
#3 Burning Bush (Euonymus)
Large natural shrub growing 8-12 feet tall and wide
Intense red fall color.
Even dwarf varieties are larger in size.
#4 Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus)
Large natural shrub growing to 10 feet tall / 8 feet wide
Can tolerate pruning into formal hedges
White flowers in spring
Blue berries in summer
Orange / reddish fall color
#5 Diablo Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)
Large sprawling vase-shaped shrub growing 8-10 feet tall and wide
Purple foliage throughout year
White flowers in spring.
TREEfecta (Win, Place, Show)
WIN = Witchhazel (Hamamelis)
Large natural shrub growing 12-15 feet tall and wide
Yellow spider-like flowers in fall
Yellow fall color
PLACE = Nannyberry Viburnum (Viburnum lentago)
Large natural shrub growing 15 feet tall / 8-10 feet wide
White flowers in spring
Bluish berries in summer
Red / orange fall color.
Nannyberry = Viburnum lentago
SHOW = Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum)
Large natural growing 10-12 feet tall and wide
White flowers in spring
Bluish berries in summer
Red / orange fall color
Arrowwood = Viburnum dentatum (Northern Burgundy or Blue Muffin)