Top 5 Shade Trees for Minnesota

#1 Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)

  • Alternate varieties include Bur, White & Heritage Oak

  • 50-60 feet tall / 40-50 feet wide

  • Tolerates drought and poorly drained soils

  • Moderate growth rate

  • Dark burgundy fall color 




#2 Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum)

  • Main varieties include Fall Fiesta, Green Mountain, & Northern Flare

  • 40-50 feet tall & wide

  • Symmetrical growth form

  • Orange / red fall color




 #3 Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)

  • 50 feet tall & wide

  • Moderate to fast growth rate

  • Yellow fall color

  • Very few insect or disease problems

  • Adaptable to wide range of soil conditions





#4 Hybrid Elm (Ulmus species)

  • 60-70 feet tall / 50-70 feet wide

  • Varieties include New Harmony, Princeton, St. Croix and Valley Forge

  • Yellow fall color

  • Very fast growing and urban tough

  • Resistant to Dutch elm disease

  • Will need pruning to train structure

  • Can attract Japanese beetles





#5 Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos)

  • 50 feet tall / 40 feet wide

  • Moderate to fast growth rate

  • Yellow fall color

  • “Filtered” shade tree

  • Plant ‘Skyeline” a seedless variety







TREEfecta (Win, Place, Show)

WIN = Kentucky Coffeetree (Gymnoclaudus dioicus)

  • 50 feet tall / 35-40 feet wide

  • Female trees produce large seed pods

  • Seedless tree varieties available

  • Yellow fall color

PLACE = Matador Maple (Acer x freemanii ‘Bailston’)

  • 50 feet tall / 25-40 feet wide

  • Fast growth rate

  • Urban tough

  • Improved overall growth habit from other freemanii maples

  • Reddish fall color

SHOW = River Birch (Betula nigra)

  • 50+ feet tall / 35-40 feet wide

  • Resistant to bronze birch borer

  • Attractive defoliating trunks

  • Prefers moist soils

  • Yellow fall color