Top 5 Tree Tips for Property Managers

1.      Plan 3-5 Years

Short term planning is costly.  Planning based on long-term thinking can help focus on better decisions in the short and long term.

2.      Include the Arborist 

Include arborists on spring walk-throughs and landscape visits. Many board members / managers are not qualified to assess tree needs at a level that makes logical and fiscal sense for long-term planning.

3.      Re-think the 3-Bid Process

This is an immediate red flag for arborists.  Looking for 3 bids creates the reality that the HOA does not care about loyalty, relationships, long-term planning or good tree care.   This is short-term thinking about the lowest price only.  While price is important, it cannot be the only factor in the decision.  More often the lowest bid equals the worst service and care.

4.      Follow Principles of Kaizen

Use kaizen (or similar management tools) to eliminate wasted time, decision making and money. Look for trees, shrubs, services or processes that are non-essential and remove them.

5.      Promote Diversity

Most insects & diseases are specific to one type of tree, which puts a landscape at risk when any one tree species is a large percent of the property.  Diversity buffers against major stresses such as Emerald ash borer.