Checklist for Buckthorn Removal

A Brief History of Buckthorn

Common buckthorn was commonly planted for years as a hedge or windbreak.  The growth form is a multi-stemmed, medium sized tree. Female trees produce large quantities of fruit contributing to the rapid spread of buckthorn.  Glossy buckthorn, or columnar buckthorn, has also been planted for years.  Glossy buckthorn produces fruits continuously for several months, a common trait of invasive plants.  Common buckthorn is generally associated with terrestrial plant communities, while glossy buckthorn is associated with wetland communities.  However, they are readily seen invading uplands and lowlands together.  

4-Point Checklist for Buckthorn Managment

When deciding how to design and implement a buckthorn management program, there are several factors that must be considered.  These factors include budget, length of time that the buckhorn has been present, size and density of the buckthorn, season of the year, and size of workforce (or number of volunteers).   

Step #1

The first phase of any buckthorn project would be to remove the medium and large buckthorn trees.  Also, the stumps must be ground out or treated chemically to minimize re-growth.  When dealing with a limited budget, remove the largest seed-bearing trees.  This phase can be started whenever, but optimum results can be achieved in the fall.

Buckthorn trees starting to overtake a small woodland segment.

Step #2

(2) The second step will be to pull or spray smaller seedlings.  The choice between pulling or spraying will depend on the size of the management area, the number of seedlings in the area, and if using chemicals is the right choice for you.  Some people would prefer not to use chemicals, but in larger areas it is often the most effective choice.

Step #3

Once the buckthorn is removed, there will be a flush of new sprouts from germinating seeds that have been lying dormant in the soil.  This is caused by an increase in light penetration to the soil.  During this phase, new seedlings should be sprayed or pulled. This phase could last several year

Thick buckthorn regrowth the following spring after being removed in fall.

Step #4

The fourth phase of management will vary depending on how severe the buckthorn has displaced the native plants in the area.  In some plant communities, native plants will re-establish in time.  However, in many areas, the buckthorn will have displaced native plants for so long, replanting will be necessary.  This is a very important part of the restoration process.  Unless native plants can re-establish, it will be easier for buckthorn to reinvade. 

Here are a few plants that can be used in the replanting phase of buckthorn management:



Pagoda dogwood


 Alder (wet areas)


Nannyberry viburnum

Arrowwood viburnum

Red-osier dogwood




Jack in the pulpit


Wild geranium

Early meadow rue


Those Pesky Surface Roots


Planning for Japanese Beetles