MARCH Spotlight for Tree Care

Top 3 Tree & Landscape Tasks for March

The BIG Oak’s March TREEfecta

Every month, The BIG Oak will spotlight 3 tasks to focus on for each month. Here is a look at the TREEfecta for March:

#1 Finish Tree Pruning

Some tree pruning can move into early April, but OAK PRUNING must be done by the end of March. Once trees start leafing out in April, ALL tree pruning must be done. Trees spend a good deal of energy leafing out and their stored energy levels drop to its lowest point. Spring is the WORST time to prune trees so get it done in March.  The crunch to get pruning done in March is the real March Madness.  

Oak pruning MUST be done by the end of March as a general guideline. Occasionally, the Minnesota weather changes this to slightly earlier or later.

#2 Finish Ash Tree Removals

The Emerald ash borer will be active soon, so March is a good time to wrap up any tree removal projects. This will allow any infested trees to be removed before the EAB becomes active. It will also help set the stage for spring tree planting. Once the snow is gone, planning can take place to get stump grinding handled to prepare for replanting.

Ash tree with heavy EAB damage in the upper crown. Definitely a tree that should be removed in the very near future.

#3 Shrub Rejuvenation (end of March)

Rejuvenation is a type of pruning which is basically cutting shrubs to ground level (or very low) in hopes of “rejuvenating” entirely new shrub growth.  Similar to perennials (like hosta), many shrub types can be cut to the ground in early spring followed by new growth.  Rejuvenation should be a routine part of all landscape maintenance plans. 

Bonus tip from The BIG Oak = Combine shrub rejuvenation with a visit for perennial cut-downs / landscape bed spring clean-up work to be efficient.   However, rejuvenation MUST be done before shrubs start to leaf out. 

Rejuvenated lilac hedge

Lilac hedge that was cut to the ground level in early spring. This picture showing spring regrowth was taken a few months after the lilacs were cut to ground level.

Bonus task for March from The BIG Oak = Get your snacks and enjoy some basketball mayhem. Sorry about your busted bracket. Maybe next year.


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